Visitor Reseach

Impact of Community Led Tourism

SCOTO responds to the Royal Society of Edinburgh's policy advice report on third sector.

Following Iagan MacNeill's presentation from The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Valuing the Third Sector’s Role in Tourism, at the SCOTO Gathering in February, SCOTO responded to the RSE’s policy advice report on the economic contributions of the third sector.

The response blog has now been published on their website, and you can read the complete version here: Establishing the Vital Role of Communities in Tourism – and Recalibrating What We Measure.

Written by Director Catriona Waddington and Executive Director Carron Tobin, the blog asks,

"If we are serious about responsible tourism, as argued in Scotland Outlook 2030, we need to recalibrate tourism to deliver for our communities and environment first. Recalibration means measuring what matters—young people retained, living-wage jobs provided, available, affordable housing—not simply footfall, jobs, and bed nights. It also means focusing resources on where they impact quality of life."

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the piece. Please email us at

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