Flannan Isles Exhibition & Memorial

Flannan Isles Exhibition & Memorial

Commemorating the tragic and mysterious loss of three Light Keepers in December 1900, an extensive archive collection of original documents, still and news reports from the time is featured within the bilingual exhibition and the memorial of Lewissian Gneiss on the shoreline which symbolises the enduring connection between the Flannan Isles and the village of Breasclete where the Light Keeper's families were stationed.

Set in the community-owned Carloway Estate, the village of Breasclete lies within a mile of the world-famous Callanish Standing Stones and 4.5 miles from the Doune Broch, one of the best preserved Iron-Age Brochs in the whole of Scotland.

Donations appreciated, open 2-4 pm April-October


01851 621295

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