Stronsay Community Greenhouse

Stronsay Community Greenhouse

The community greenhouse (indoor allotments) was established by the Stronsay Development Trust in 2010 on land leased (peppercorn rent) by the Moncur Memorial Church next door. A dozen plots are available for locals to rent for a minimal yearly fee, and there is usually a waiting list of those wanting to participate in this project.

A large picnic table which can seat eight to ten provides a space where educational, horticultural and creative activities can take place. It’s also a great place for visitors to get in out of the weather and have a picnic and a wander in beautiful surroundings.

The large polytunnel and weatherproofed space enable locals to try their hand or hone their skills at gardening, allowing them to thwart the challenges of the Orkney climate and grow whatever they like, be that flowers or fruit or vegetables. Not only does this provide a way of reducing food miles, it also enhances wellbeing and fosters community.

Supported by the Wellbeing Coordinator for the Stronsay Development Trust, a garden behind the polytunnel is currently being constructed through volunteer labour to enhance the wellbeing of residents and visitors alike. Plot-holders volunteer their time to maintain the greenhouse, working to a rota.


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